Behind the scenes

"In May, do what you like" - In French we have the expression for the month of May. With this in mind we have left the beaten track and are delighted to present to you a little light relief and a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at EAI. You already know Jerome who has been working for EAI International for 8 years, but perhaps less so Kay, who has been assisting him with the Marketing and Communications. Kay and Jerome interviewed each other, just for fun, in a session of questions and answers, read their interview here and see what it is that they revealed about themselves.
Jerome: Today you work in marketing. Was this your original plan?
Kay: No marketing was not my original career plan, but I do believe even from the age of about 13 it was always going to be a part of my future! When I was small (about 7 or 8) I used to watch a TV programme called Crown Court. It was fictional court cases with judges and a jury. The programme had a Stenographer (you might need to Google it) they transcribe everything that is said in the entire court case on a machine with just 3 buttons. By the time I was 10 I could hit 3 buttons on my pretend machine at home really fast!
My plan B was to be a professional Figure Skater, however, after a few broken bones, exam grades that indicated that I was qualified to be a Children’s TV presenter and the 1990’s recession, I had to find a plan C.
I often find it quite funny that my career in marketing often finds me hitting 3 buttons really fast and I am often skating on thin ice so maybe I did achieve both my plan A and B after all!!!
Jerome: What is the thing that you really don't like?
Kay: As in food? I hate all seafood and red meat… if you mean as in personality traits, dishonesty.
I always work with the attitude that I can deal with and resolve anything so long as it is honest and true!
Jerome: If you were a book, what genre would you be and which title?
Kay: I am not a great reader (hence my not being able to get an English degree in question 1!) but if I pick up a book it is usually to take me away from reality.
I have read a few classics, Little Women, To Kill a Mockingbird, Cry, the beloved Country and Pride and Prejudice but I am also a closet Christian Grey fan!
Jerome: You are British, would you have liked to have been born or live?
Kay: I am a born on the cusp of Pisces and Aries so am a mix of fire and water but if I had a choice of where I would want to live the water would win through.
I would love to live anywhere where I could wake up every morning and see the sea and sand.. I am open to offers!!!
Jerome: If you were an Olympic Game, which one would you be?
Kay: A hard one…. I tend to work in a way that is goal driven. I have to be able to see the final result from the start and work backwards so it would have to be something that was short and the goal or winning point were obvious from the start… high jump or javlin perhaps.
Jerome: What is your mantra to life?
Kay: The best make up a girl can wear is a smile.
Kay: If a film were being made about your life, which actor would you pick to play the adult you?
Jerome: I would pick a multi-talented actor who can play a role across as genre, comedy, tragedy, musical. thriller or a superhero movie. Hugh Jackman or maybe Anthony Hopkins.
Kay: What is your most treasured possession?
Jerome: My Joyous outlook on life and my 6th sense.
Kay: What song do you sing in the shower?
Jerome: I have an amazing operatic voice so I sing classical songs, like lascia ch'io pianga from Haendel and other songs from him…
Kay:What is the most important/valuable thing that you have learnt during the Covid pandemic?
Jerome: Real relation between humans is the most important thing. without this you lose all your perspective. By “real”, I mean relation based on strong ties those that exist without the obligation to touch base each and every day.
Kay:Do you have a mantra that you live your life by?
Jerome: Live each day as if it’s your last. Enjoy each moment and stay away from unkind people.
Kay:If you could have anyone in the world dead or alive around for dinner tonight, who would you invite?
Jerome: Without any doubt, I would have a dinner with 2 people, Napoleon Bonaparte and Charles de Gaulle for the same reason: they are the greatest geniuses the world has had since Alexander the Great