Introduction of Mark Rubinson - Director

Please meet Mark Rubinson of ABG in London. Mark is also the new Chairman of the Communication and Marketing Committee.
EAI: If you were not an accountant, what other profession do you think you would have liked to do?
Mark: I think it is safe to say that if I were not to have succeeded in the world of accounting that my back up career was always destined to be as a Centre forward for Tottenham Hotspur, what other options are their afterall, Accountant or footballer!
EAI: A personal charactaristic appeals to you or annoys you the most?
Mark: Tough question, which charactaristic appeals to me the most, I think honesty has to be up there as one of the most appealing charactaristics, if you can’t be honest what is left!
EAI: What is the best advice you have ever received ?
Mark: Walter Cronkite said "I can't imagine a person becoming a success who doesn't give this game of life everything he's got." So taking that as my mantra, “always to follow your dreams»
EAI: What was your biggest mistake?
Mark: Mistakes, I don’t make mistakes!!! (well none that I can think of ????)
EAI: Your biggest extravagance?
Mark: My wife will say that my biggest extravagance is my Tottenham Hotspur season ticket which I have held for 45 years, I of course would totally disagree !
EAI: What’s your dream ?
Mark: For family and myself to achieve happiness and stay fit and healthy (oh and of course for Tottenham to win the Champions league)
EAI: Which well known personality would you most like to dine with?
Mark: Boris Johnson, I cannot think of anyone better. It would be an absolute hoot. He is charismatic, funny, clever but also personable.
EAI: Who would you like to be for a day?
Mark: UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, I guess that’s the accountant in me coming out. Who would not love to be in charge of their country’s finances, if only for a day!
EAI: Your best memory?
Mark: My kids being born, fortunately for me I got to experience it 3 times.
EAI: In one sentence please sum up yourself
Mark: I am very determined, it has been said by others that I am like a dog with a bone. I will hang on to that bone like my life depends upon it, that is until I work out for myself that it is time to let go – strength or weakness, the jury is out !
EAI: The best place in the world?
Mark: 100% London. London is an amazing City and I know how lucky I am to be London born and bred.
EAI: How would you spend a sabbatical year?
Mark: I would probably get bored after 2 months to be honest but I would really like to travel to all the places that I have wanted to visit but haven’t managed to find the time
EAI: Is there a talent that you wish you had?
Mark: What you mean I am not perfect (ha ha) – I wish I had more patience, even I know how annoying my lack of patience can be... oh and I really need to be better at all things IT (you might think I am good at IT but its all a smoke screen, honestly I have no idea most of the time, its amazing but I have survived a whole year of working remotely...