Introduction of Leopoldo J. Rios

Please meet Leopoldo (Leo) Rios from CPC Accounting in Miami, Florida. Leopoldo is a director for EAI and a very activ regional manager of the Americas.
EAI:If you were not an accountant, what other profession do you think you would have liked to do?
Leo: I should say a Soccer player. In my younger and thiner years, I was part of the first team of my University in Venezuela.
EAI: A personal charactaristic appeals to you or annoys you the most?
Leo: The one that appeals to me the most is humility and empathy. I can’t stand self centered people. And that brings me to the one who annoys me the most. Self centered people
EAI:What is the best advice you have ever received ?
Leo: My late father always told my brother and me to be consistent in our actions. If you believe in a goal, always be consistent to achieve those. Never distract from your dreams and goals.
EAI: What was your biggest mistake?
Leo: Thats a hard one. But I woul say I did not travel enough when I was younger.
EAI: Your biggest extravagance?
Leo: To travel. We alway joke that we will never be millionaires because we travel as soon as we have some time. And if we don't have time, we find it…
EAI: What’s your dream ?
Leo: My dream is to get to my golden years able to enjoy my family and to be able to be back to Venezuela and see my family there and see the places where I grew up with my children and (hopefully) my grandchildren.
EAI: Which well known personality would you most like to dine with?
Leo: Wow...That’s a good one.. I’d love to dine with Pele. The history and memories from his time as the king of soccer would be very nice to hear.
EAI: Who would you like to be for a day?
Leo: I would love to be the head of the Treasury for the US. There are so many things I would change / correct in this country...
EAI: Your best memory?
Leo: Actually the birth of both of my children. What an incredible and amazing moment !!!
EAI: In one sentence please sum up yourself
Leo: Wow..So so much for not liking self centered people…I would say self driven, very stuborn, and simple life liking person.
EAI: The best place in the world?
Leo: 1st Choroni, Venezuela.. for the beauty of the place and the ever lasting memories, and then Miami...The city that adopt us which is part of the country that gave us all the opportunities we are able to enjoy.
EAI: How would you spend a sabbatical year?
Leo: Traveling for sure, expending time with my loveones.
EAI: Is there a talent that you wish you had?
Leo: I wish I could play the guitar and the piano. I guess I will spend some time learning when I have some free time.