Next webinar 31.03.2022

Dear Members,
We are pleased to invite you to our second webinar for 2022, which will held on Thursday 31 March at 5pm CET.
Please accept this invitation to add the date and time to your diary.
The programme for this session will include:
1. EAI 2021 ranking by the international Accounting Bulletin and announcement about the events of 2022
Yves MARGUERAT, Chairman of EAI International will present the annual ranking of EAI International and also share details of the 2 conferences to be held later this year
2. Firm presentations from (5.50pm – 6.05pm CET)
• EBS Gmbh, Germany
• VJM, India
3) Chatrooms for discussions between members to further know each other (6.05pm – 6.20pm CET)
We hope to welcome you at this event.
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